Healthcare is one of the most important markets given its massive impact on well-being and social welfare. Insurance providers, hospitals, physicians, and patients interact in a highly complex environment under imperfect information that allows for multiple interesting strategic behaviors. In this context, new data have allowed cutting edge research on Healthcare and Industrial Organization (IO) that this Workshop has brought to Chile for the first time.
Sponsored by the Millennium Institute for Market Imperfections and Public Policy (MIPP) and the Economics Department of Universidad de Los Andes, we have invited worldwide recognized researchers in IO and Health Economics: Liran Einav and Kate Bundorf (Stanford University), Gautam Gowrisankaran (U of Arizona), Robert Town(U Texas), Amanda Starc (Northwestern), Pietro Tebaldi (U of Chicago), Mark Shepard (Harvard), Sebastian Fleitas (U of Arizona/ Leuven), and Pierre Thomas Leger (University of Illinois at Chicago). The program and the paper list can be found here.
The Workshop will take place on August 28th and 29th, from 09:00 to 17:00, at the Sala Academia de la Factoría Italia (iF), Avenida Italia 850 Santiago. The Workshop will be in English and participants must register online here.
This Wokshop and its presentations are in English.
Looking forward to your attendance,
Claudio Lucarelli, Gautam Gowrisankaran y Carlos Noton, Organizers of 1st Workshop on Healthcare and IO, Chile 2017.
Sala Academia de la Factoría Italia (iF), Avenida Italia 850 Santiago.
Gautam Gowrisankaran
Claudio Lucarelli
MIPP Chile 2025