“The Economics of Public Pharmacies: Quasi- and Experimental Evidence from Local Markets”
Policies to decrease the price of pharmaceuticals are highly debated but evidence about their effectiveness is scarce. We provide the first analysis of a policy that introduces public pharmacies selling pharmaceuticals at reduced prices in local markets in Chile. Using experimental and quasi-experimental methods, we present three findings. First, information about public pharmacies improves consumers’ knowledge of the choice set and knowledge about the attributes of alternatives. Second, the opening of a public pharmacy is associated with increased prices and reduced sales in nearby private pharmacies. Third, an analysis of voting decisions for the mayors who opened these pharmacies reveals a positive evaluation of this policy. We conclude that public pharmacies can change the functioning of pharmaceutical markets but information about alternatives is crucial.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Sala de Consejo, Piso 4, Beauchef 851, Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, U. de Chile
Felipe Gonzalez
MIPP Chile 2025