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  • Español


Early Stimulation and Enhanced Preschool: A Randomized Trial

Meghir, Costas; Attanasio, Orazio; Jervis, Pamela; Day, Monimalika; Makkar, Prerna; Berhman, Jere; Gupta, Prachi; Pal, Rashim; Phimister, Angus; Vernekar, Nisha; Grantham-McGregor, Sally. Pediatrics. 2023

The Reach Up Parenting Program, Child Development, and Maternal Depression: A Meta-analysis

Jervis, Pamela; Coore-Hall, Jacqueline; Pitchik, Helen O.; Arnold, Charles D.; Grantham-Mcgregor, Sally; Rubio-Codina, Marta; Baker-Henningham, Helen; Fernald, Lia C.H.; Hamadani, Jena; Smith, Joanne A.; Trias, Julieta; Walker, Susan P. Pediatrics. 2023

Using Meta-Learning in Automatic Demand Forecast with a Large Number of Products

Luis Gutiérrez, Marcel Goic. Supply Chain Management Strategies and Methodologies. 2023

Analytics Saves Lives During the COVID-19 Crisis in Chile

Leonardo J. Basso, Marcel Goic , Marcelo Olivares , Denis Sauré , Charles Thraves , Aldo Carranza, Gabriel Y. Weintraub, Julio Covarrubia, Cristian Escobedo, Natalia Jara, Antonio Moreno, Demian Arancibia , Manuel Fuenzalida , Juan Pablo Uribe, Felipe Zúñiga, Marcela Zúñiga, Miguel O’Ryan , Emilio Santelices, Juan Pablo Torres. INFORMS Journal of Applied Analytics. 2023

Infection with SARS-CoV-2 variant Gamma (P. 1) in Chile increased ICU admission risk three to five-fold

Denis Sauré, Marcel Goic, Miguel O’Ryan, Juan P Torres, Alejandro Bruhn, Marcela Ferres, Jenniffer Angulo, Magdalena Vera, Leonardo J Basso. Plos One. 2023

Immigration, Crime, and Crime (Mis)Perceptions

Nicolás Ajzenman, Patricio Dominguez, Raimundo Undurraga. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 2023

Financial Inclusion, Microfinance, and Financial Education in Latin America

Patricio Valenzuela, Alejandro Micco. Handbook of Microfinance, Financial Inclusion and Development edited by Valentina Hartarska and Robert Cull, Elgar Press. 2023.

Business advisory services and innovation during crises: Evidence from small businesses in Chile

Juan Acevedo, Iván Diaz-Molina, Sofia Johan, Patricio Valenzuela. Journal of Business Research. 2023

The regulation of public–private partnerships en Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing, Edgard Elgar Publishing

Eduardo Engel, Ronald Fischer, Alexander Galetovic. Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing, Edgard Elgar Publishing. 2023

The Odebrecht Corruption Case" in "Encyclopedia of Corruption Law", Edward Elgar publishing

Nicolás Campos, Ronald D. Fischer, Eduardo Engel and Alexander Galetovic. Encyclopedia of Corruption Law, Edward Elgar publishing. 2023

Trader competition in fragmented markets: Liquidity supply versus picking-off risk

Alejandro Bernales, Nicolás Garrido, Satchit Sagade, Marcela Valenzuela, Christian Westheide. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 2023

The Geography of Repression and Opposition to Autocracy

Pablo Muñoz, Mounu Prem, Felipe González, Luis Martínez, Maria Angélica Bautista. American Journal of Political Science. 2023

Higher Education and Mortality: Legacies of an Authoritarian College Contraction

Pablo Muñoz, Mounu Prem, Felipe González, Luis Martínez. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2023

The use of quantile methods in economic history

Damian Clarke, Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Daniel Pailañir. Historial Methods. 2023

The Impact of Extending Employment Protection to Agency Workers on Firms

Pablo Muñoz, Alejandro Micco. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 2023

Maternal Mortality and Women’s Political Power

Sonia Bhalotra, Damian Clarke, Joseph Gomes, Atheendar Venkataramani. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2023

The 5G spectrum auction in Chile

Juan Escobar, Rafael Epstein, Jose Correa, Pamela Gidi, Jozsef Markovits, Natalie Epstein, Yerko Montenegro, Abner Turkieltaub. Telecommunications Policy. 2023

A Constant Factor Prophet Inequality for Online Combinatorial Auctions

José Correa, Andrés Cristi. STOC 2023: Proceedings of the 55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing. 2023.

The Competition Complexity of Dynamic Pricing

Johannes Brustle, José Correa, Paul Duetting, Victor Verdugo. Mathematics of Operations Research. 2023

Sample-driven optimal stopping: From the secretary problem to the iid prophet inequality

José Correa, Andrés Cristi, Boris Epstein, José A. Soto. Mathematics of Operations Research. 2023

The Value of Observing the Buyers' Arrival Time in Dynamic Pricing

José Correa, Dana Pizarro, Gustavo J. Vulcano. Management Science. 2023

Trading Prophets

José Correa, Andrés Cristi, Paul Dütting, Mohammad Hajiaghayi, Jan Olkowski, Kevin Schewior. Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. 2023

Coalitional Stability in Matching Problems with Externalities and Random Preferences

Adriana Piazza y Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez. Games and Economic Behavior. 2023

Los reemplazos constitucionales en democracia: tres argumentos para explicar el proceso constituyente chileno

Alejandro Corvalan y Francisco Soto. Sujetos, derechos y lealtad constitucional. Editores: Rosario Tur Ausina, Nuria Reche Tello, Francisco Javier Sanjuán Andrés. 2022. 

Sorting on-line and on-time

Stefano Banfi, Sekyu Choi, Benjamín Villena-Roldán. European Economic Review. 2022.

Service design to balance waiting time and infection risk: An application for elections during the COVID-19 pandemic

Mondschein, S., Olivares, M., Ordoñez, F., Schwartz, D., Weintraub, A., Aguayo, C., Canessa, G., and Torres, I. Service Science. 2022.

The effect of dynamic lockdowns on public transport demand in times of COVID-19: Evidence from smartcard data

Gramsch, B., Guevara, C. A., Munizaga, M., Schwartz, D., & Tirachini, A. Transport Policy. 2022. 

Long-Term Behavior of Dynamic Equilibria in Fluid Networks

Cominetti, R; Correa, J; Olver, N. OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 2022.

Multidimensional political apportionment


Performance guarantees of local search for minsum scheduling problems


Prophet Inequalities for Independent and Identically Distributed Random Variables from an Unknown Distribution

Correa, Jose; Dutting, Paul; Fischer, Felix; Schewior, Kevin. MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 2022.

On the Price of Anarchy for Flows over Time

Correa, Jose; Cristi, Andres; Oosterwijk, Tim. MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 2022. 

The Two-Sided Game of Googol

Correa J., Cristi A., Epstein B., Soto J.. JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH. 2022. 

Network Pricing: How to Induce Optimal Flows Under Strategic Link

Correa, J; Guzman, C; Lianeas, T; Nikolova, E; Schroder, M. OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 2022. 

What is the optimal cutoff surface for ore bodies with more than one mineral?

A. Piazza, B. Pagnoncelli & L. Ntaimo. Operations Research Letters. 2022.

How large are double markups?

Elisa Duran-Micco y Jeffrey M. Perloff. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 2022. 

Wellbeing of School Communities in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study in Chilean Low-SES Schools

López, Verónica; Ramírez, Lorena; López-Concha, Romina; Ascorra, Paula; Alvarez, Juan Pablo; Carrasco-Aguilar, Claudia; Jervis, Pamela; Squicciarini, Ana María; Simonsohn, Ariela; Contreras, Tabata; Opazo, Héctor. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 2022. 

Financial Distress and Psychological Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Florencia Borrescio-Higa, Federico Droller, Patricio Valenzuela. International Journal of Public Health. 2022.

Maternal Mortality and Women’s Political Power

Sonia Bhalotra, Damian Clarke, Joseph Gomes, Atheendar Venkataramani. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2022

Interpersonal Violence in Chile, c. 1880s–2010s: A Tale of Delayed but Successful Convergence

Rodrigo Rivero-Cantillano, Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Damian Clarke, Javier Rivas, Daniel Quezada, Martina Allende. Social Science History. 2022.

Adult Female Height and the Gender Gap in Chile, 1860s–1990s

Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Damian Clarke, Roberto Araya-Valenzuela, Juan Navarrete-Montalvo. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 2022. 

Location Preferences and Slums Formation: Evidence from a Panel of Residence Histories

Pablo Celhay, Raimundo Undurraga. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 2022

Immigration and Labor Market Misperceptions

Nicolas Ajzenman, Patricio Dominguez, Raimundo Undurraga. American Economic Association, Papers and Prceedings. 2022. 

Introducing MACEDA: New micro-data on an indigenous self-determination conflict.

Pedro Cayul, Alejandro Corvalan, Dany Jaimovich and Matteo Pazzona. Journal of Peace Research . 2022

A Multiarmed Bandit Approach for House Ads Recommendations

Nicolás Aramayo, Mario Schiappacasse, Marcel Goic. Marketing Science. 2022

The roles of multiple channels in predicting website visits and purchases: Engagers versus closers

Marcel Goic, Kinshuk Jerath, Kirthi Kalyanam. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 2022

The Social Divide of Social Distancing: Shelter-in-Place Behavior in Santiago During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Aldo Carranza, Marcel Goic, Eduardo Lara, Marcelo Olivares, Gabriel Y. Weintraub, Julio Covarrubia, Cristian Escobedo, Natalia Jara, Leonardo J. Basso. Management Science. 2022

Schools as a Safety-net: The Impact of School Closures and Reopenings on Rates of Reporting of Violence Against Children

Damian Clarke, Pilar Larroulet, Daniel Pailañir, Daniela Quintana. General Economics Cornell University. 2022

Ethnic Diversity and Forest Commons

Francisco Barba, Dany Jaimovich. World Development. 2022

Cultural Evolution Theory and Organizations

Francisco Brahm, Joaquín Poblete. Organization Theory. 2022

Identifying Food Labeling Effects on Consumer Behavior

Sebastian Araya, Andres Elberg, Carlos Noton, Daniel Schwartz. Marketing Science. 2022

Inequality, crime and private protection

Alejandro Corvalana, Matteo Pazzona. Economics Letters. 2021

Enhancing the international study of positive youth development: Process, specificity, and the sample case of character virtues

Richard M. Lerner, Pamela Jervis, Marc H. Bornstein. Journal of Youth Development. 2021

Gender Inequality and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Florencia Borrescio-Higa, Patricio Valenzuela. International Journal of Public Health. 2021

School Choice in Chile

Natalie Epstein, Rafael Epstein, José Correa, Juan Escobar, Ignacio Rios , Nicolás Aramayo, Bastián Bahamondes,Carlos Bonet, Martin Castillo, Andres Cristi, Boris Epstein, Felipe Subiabre. Operations Research. 2021

Implementing the Panel Event Study

Damian Clarke, Kathya Tapia Schythe. Stata Journal. 2021

Wealth inequality and the political economy of financial and labour regulations

Ronald Fischer, Diego Huerta. Journal of Public Economics. 2021

Business Advisory Services and Female Employment in an Extreme Institutional Context

Sofia Johan, Patricio Valenzuela. British Journal of Management. 2021

A failure of the market for college education and on-the-job human capital

Felipe Balmaceda. Economics of Education Review. 2021

Does Maternal Mental Health and Maternal Stress Affect Preschoolers’ Behavioral Symptoms?

María Pía Santelices, Matías Irarrázaval, Pamela Jervis, Cristian Brotfeld, Carla Cisterna, Ana María Gallardo. Children. 2021

On the asymptotic behavior of the expectation of the maximum of i.i.d. random variables

José R. Correa, Matías Romero. Operations Research Letters. 2021

The Ways of Corruption in Infrastructure: Lessons from the Odebrecht Case

Nicolás Campos, Eduardo Engel, Ronald D. Fischer, Alexander Galetovic. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2021

The Effectiveness of Triggered Email Marketing in Addressing Browse Abandonments

Marcel Goic, Andrea Rojas, Ignacio Saavedra. Journal of Interactive Marketing. 2021

Non-Intrusive Assessment of COVID-19 Lockdown Follow-Up and Impact Using Credit Card Information: Case Study in Chile

Ricardo Muñoz-Cancino, Sebastián Ríos, Marcel Goic, Manuel Graña. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021

Aspiration adaptation in resource-constrained environments

Sebastian Galiani, Paul Gertler, Raimundo Undurraga. Journal of Urban Economics. 2021

The effect of environmental policies on risk reductions in energy generation

Giancarlo Acevedo, Alejandro Bernales, Andrés Flores, Andrés Inzunza, Rodrigo Moreno. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2021

Validation of motor, cognitive, language, and socio-emotional subscales using the Caregiver Reported Early Development Instruments: An application of multidimensional item factor analysis

Marcus Waldman, Dana Charles McCoy, Jonathan Seiden, Jorge Cuartas, CREDI Field Team (Pamela Jervis), Günther Fink. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 2021

On the Value of Birth Weight

Damian Clarke, Sonia Oreffice, Climent Quintana Domeque. Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics. 2021

Tendencias Constitucionales. Experiencias comparadas y lecciones para Chile

Alejandro Corvalán, Francisco Soto. Editorial LOM. 2021

Drivers of customer satisfaction in the grocery retail industry: A longitudinal analysis across store formats

Marcel Goic, Camilo Levenier, Ricardo Montoya. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 2021

Improving Access and Quality in Early Childhood Development Programs: Experimental Evidence from the Gambia

Moussa P. Blimpo, Pedro Carneiro, Pamela Jervis, Todd Pugatch. Economic Development and Cultural Change. 2021

COVID-19: Short-term forecast of ICU beds in times of crisis

Marcel Goic, Mirko Bozanic-Leal, Mgdalena Badal, Leonardo Basso. PLOS One. 2021

Abortion laws and women’s health

Damian Clarke, Hanna Mühlrad. Journal of Health Economics. 2020.

Business Advisory Services and Female Employment in an Extreme Institutional Context

Sofia Johan, Patricio Valenzuela. British Journal Management. 2020

Accounting for cost heterogeneity on the demand in the context of a technician dispatching problem

Juan P. Cavada, Cristián E. Cortés, Marcel Goic, Andrés Weintraub, Juan I. Zambrano. European Journal of Operational Research. 2020

The Efficient IPO Market Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence

Kevin R. James, Marcela Valenzuela. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 2020

Group Sessions or Home Visits for Early Childhood Development in India: A Cluster RCT

Sally Grantham-McGregor, Akanksha Adya, Orazio Attanasio, Britta Augsburg, Jere Behrman, Bet Caeyers, Monimalika Day, Pamela Jervis, Reema Kochar, Prerna Makkar, Costas Meghir, Angus Phimister, Marta Rubio-Codina, Karishma Vats. Pediatrics. 2020

The Romano-Wolf Multiple Hypothesis Correction in Stata

Damian Clarke, Joseph P. Romano, Michael Wolf. Stata Journal. 2020

Strategy‐proof and group strategy‐proof stable mechanisms: An equivalence

Antonio Romero‐Medina, Matteo Triossi. International Journal of Economic Theory. 2020

Improving Access to Banking: Evidence from Kenya

Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Robert Cull, Jun “Q J” Qian, Lemma Senbet, Patricio Valenzuela. Review of Finance. 2020

Growing together: assessing equity and efficiency in a prenatal health program

Damian Clarke, Gustavo Cortes Méndez, Diego Vergara Sepulveda. Journal of Population Economics. 2020

Employment effects of COVID‐19 across Chilean regions: An application of the translog cost function

Félix Modrego, Andrea Canales, Héctor Bahamonde. Regional Science Policy and Practice. 2020

Learning and Index Option Returns

Alejandro Bernales, Gonzalo Cortazar, Luka Salamunic, George Skiadopoulos. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2020

Vagueness in Multidimensional Proposals

Qiaoxi Zhang. Games and Economic Behavior. 2020

Do Investors Follow the Herd in Option Markets?

Alejandro Bernales, Thanos Verousis, Nikolaos Voukelatos. Journal of Banking and Finance. 2020

What Do We Know About Individual Equity Options?

Alejandro Bernales, Thanos Verousis, Nikolaos Voukelatos, Mengyu Zhang. Journal of Future Markets. 2020

The Twin Instrument: Fertility and Human Capital Investment

Sonia Bhalotra, Damian Clarke. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2020

The Effect of Environmental Policies on Risk Reductions in Energy Generation

Alejandro Bernales, Andrés Flores, Andrés Inzunza, Rodrigo Moreno, Giancarlo Acevedo. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2020

Speculative Bubbles under Supply Constraints, Background Risk and Investment Fraud in the Art Market

Alejandro Bernales, Lorenzo Reus, Víctor Valdenegro. Journal of Corporate and Finance. 2020

Capital Controls and the Cost of Debt

Eugenia Andreasen, Martin Schindler, Patricio Valenzuela. IMF Economic Review. 2019

Persistent Inequality, Corruption, and Factor Productivity

Elton Dusha. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2019

Cournot Competition in Networked Markets

Kostas Bimpikis , Shayan Ehsani, Rahmi İlkılıç. Management Science. 2019

Equilibrium refinements for the network formation game

Rahmi İlkılıç, Hüseyin İkizler.Review of Economic Design. 2019

The demand for season of birth

Damian Clarke, Sonia Oreffice,  Climent Quintana‐Domeque. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 2019

Twin Birth and Maternal Condition

Sonia Bhalotra and Damian Clarke. Review of Economics and Statistics. 2019

New anthropometric evidence on living standards in nineteenth-century Chile

Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Damian Clarke, JuanNavarrete-Montalvo, Roberto Araya-Valenzuela, Martina Allende. Economics & Human Biology. 2019.

Incentives and implementation in marriage markets with externalities

María Haydée Fonseca-Mairena, Matteo Triossi. Economics Letters. 2019

What do we know about individual equity options?

Alejandro Bernales, Thanos Verousis, Nikolaos Voukelatos, Mengyu Zhang. The Journal of Future Markets. 2019

Do High-Wage Jobs Attract More Applicants? Directed Search Evidence from the Online Labor Market

Stefano Banfi, Benjamín Villena-Roldán. Journal of Labor Economics. 2019

Technology choice and coalition formation in standards wars

Gaston Llanes  and Joaquín Poblete. Jornal of Industrial Economics.2019

Network congestion games are robust to variable demand

José Correa, Ruben Hoeksma , Marc Schröder. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.2019

Protocol invariance and the timing of decisions in dynamic games

Ulrich Doraszelski, Juan F. EscobarTheoretical Economics. 2019

Soft budgets and endogenous renegotiations in transport PPPs: An equilibrium analysis

Eduardo M. Engel, Ronald Fischer, Alexander Galetovic. Economics of Transportation. 2019

Does finance alter the relation between inequality and growth?

Matías Braun, Francisco Parro, Patricio Valenzuela. Economic Inquiry. 2019

Persistent commodity shocks and transitory crime effects

Alejandro Corvalan , Matteo Pazzona. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2019

Dynamic effects of price promotions: field evidence, consumer search, and supply-side implications

Andrés Elberg, Pedro M. Gardete, Rosario Macera, Carlos Noton. Quantitative Marketing and Economics. 2019

The Inequality-Credit Nexus

Ronald Fischer, Diego Huerta, Patricio Valenzuela. Journal of International Money and Finance. 2019

The Half-Life of Happiness: Hedonic Adaptation in the Subjective Well-Being of Poor Slum Dwellers to the Satisfaction of Basic Housing Needs

Sebastian Galiani, Paul J Gertler, Raimundo Undurraga. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2018

How to Rank Rankings? Group Performance in Multiple Prize Contests

Alejandro Corvalán. Social Choice and Welfare. 2018

The Joy of Flying: Efficient Airport PPP Contracts

Eduardo Engel, Ronald Fischer, Alexander Galetovic. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 2018

Learning from history: Volatility and Financial Crises

Jon Danielsson, Marcela Valenzuela, Ilknur Zer. Review of Financial Studies. 2018

Gone with the Wind: Demographic Transitions and Domestic Saving

Eduardo Cavallo, Gabriel Sánchez, Patricio Valenzuela. Review of Development Economics. 2018

Optimal task assignments with Loss-averse agents

Felipe Balmaceda. European Economic Review. 2018

Cooperation dynamics in repeated games of adverse selection

Juan Escobar, Gastón Llanes. Journal of Economic Theory. 2018

What Motivates Local Governments to Invest in Critical Infrastructure? Lessons from Chile

Patricio Valdivieso, Krister P. Andersson. Sustainability. 2018

Indirect political budget cycles: Evidence from Chilean municipalities

Alejandro Corvalan, PauloCox, Rodrigo Osorio. Journal of Development Economics. 2018

The Political Class and Redistributive Policies

Alejandro Corvalan, Pablo Querubin, Sergio Vicente. Journal of the European Economic Association. 2018

Protest treatment and its impact on the WTP and WTA estimates for theft and robbery in the UK

José Ignacio Hernández, Alistair Hunt, Matteo Pazzona, Felipe Vásquez Lavín. Oxford Economics Papers. 2018

Entrepreneurship: skills and financing

Felipe Balmaceda. Small Business Economics. 2018

Incentives and Ratcheting in a Multiproduct Firm: A Field Experiment

Francisco Brahm, Joaquin Poblete. Management Science. 2018

Towards a Better Global Economy: Policy Implications for Citizens Worldwide in the 21st Century

Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Jun Qian, Patricio Valenzuela. Chapter 5: Does Finance Accelerate or Retard Growth? Theory and Evidence. 2017

Managing Innovation: Optimal Incentive Contracts for Delegated R&D with Double Moral Hazard

Daniel Spulber, Joaquin Poblete. European Economic Review. 2017

Institutional Drivers of Adaptation in Local Government Decision Making: Lessons from Chile

Patricio Valdivieso, Krister Andersson, Benjamin Villena-Roldan. Climatic Change. 2017

The success of option listings

Alejandro Bernales. Journal of Empirical Finance. 2017

Incentive compatible and stable trade mechanisms on networks

Rahmi İlkılıç, Olivier Bochet. Journal of Economic Theory. 2017

Local Politics of Environmental Disaster Risk Management, Institutional Analysis and Lessons from Chile

Patricio Valdivieso, Krister P. Andersson. Journal of Environment & Development. 2017

Trust in cohesive communities

Felipe Balmaceda, Juan Escobar. Journal of Economic Theory. 2017

Learning and Forecasts about Option Returns through the Volatility Risk Premium

Alejandro Bernales, Louisa Chen, Marcela Valenzuela. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2017

Motivating with simple contracts

Juan Escobar, Carlos Pulgar. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 2017

Evaluating the Spillover Effects of the Colombian Conflict in Ecuador

José M. Fernández, Matteo Pazzona. Defence and Peace Economics. 2017

Bid–ask spread and liquidity searching behavior of informed investors in option markets

Alejandro Bernales, Carlos Cañón, Thanos Verousis. Finance Research Letters. 2017

Bounds on the welfare loss from moral hazard with limited liability

Felipe Balmaceda, Santiago Balseiro, José Correa, Nicolás Stier-Moses. Games and Economic Behavior. 2016

Are Supermarkets Squeezing Small Suppliers? Evidence from Negotiated Wholesale Prices

Carlos Noton, Andrés Elberg. The Economic Journal. 2018

Structural Estimation of Price Adjustment Costs in the European Car Market.

Carlos Noton. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 2016

Model risk of risk models

Marcela Valenzuela, Jon Danielsson, Kevin James and Illknur Zer. Journal of Financial Stability. 2016

Can we prove a bank guilty of creating systemic risk? A minority report

Jon Danielson, Kevin James, Marcela Valenzuela, Ilknur Zer. Journal of Money Credit and Banking. 2016

Workforce location and equilibrium unemployment in a duocentric economy with matching frictions

Ethienne Lehmann, Paola Montero Ledezma, Bruno Van der Linden. Journal of Urban Economics. 2016

Do investors follow the herd in option markets?

Alejandro Bernales, Thanos Verousis, Nikolaos Voukelatos. Journal of Banking and Finance. 2016

Municipal Governance, Environmental Management and Disaster Risk Reduction in Chile

Patricio Valdivieso. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 2016

Enfoques y metodologías para la investigación empírica del capital social

Patricio Valdivieso, Gabriel Davidovics M. Colección de Gobierno y Asuntos Públicos, Universidad Central. 2016

Estimating Intergenerational Mobility With Grouped Data: A Critique of Clark’s the Son Also Rises

Florencia Torche, Alejandro Corvalan. Sociological Methods & Research. 2016

CVaR constrained planning of renewable generation with consideration of system inertial response, reserve services and demand participation

Andrés Inzunzaa, Rodrigo Morenob, Alejandro Bernales, Hugh Rudnicka. Energy Economics. 2016

Resolving the African Financial Development Gap: Cross-Country Comparisons and a Within-Country Study of Kenya

Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Robert Cull, Jun Qian, Lemma Senbet, Patricio Valenzuela. NBER Volume on African Economic Successes. 2016

The Price of Unobservability: Moral Hazard and Limited Liability

Felipe Balmaceda, Santiago R. Balseiro, José R. Correa. Games and Economic Behavior. 2016

Optimal task assignments

Felipe Balmaceda. Games and Economic Behavior. 2016

Bounding Causal Effects in Ecological Inference Problems

Alejandro Corvalan, Emerson Melo, Robert Sherman, Matt Shum. Political Science Research and Methods. 2016

Financial openness, domestic financial development and credit ratings

Eugenia Andreasen, Patricio Valenzuela. Finance Research Letters. 2016.

Learning to Smile: Can Rational Learning Explain Predictable Dynamics in the Implied Volatility Surface?

Alejandro Bernales, Massimo Guidolin. Journal of Financial Markets. 2015

Segregation and Conflict: An Empirical Analysis

Alejandro Corvalán, Miguel Vargas. Journal of Development Economics. 2015

Intermediated Corruption

Elton Dusha. International Economic Review. 2015

Investment Incentives in Open-Source and Proprietary Two-Sided Platforms

Gastón Llanes, Ramón Casadesus-Masanell. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. 2015

Minimum Coverage Regulation in Insurance Market

Daniel McFadden, Carlos Noton, Pau Olivella. Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. 2015

Relative Liquidity and Future Volatility

Piotr Fryzlewicz, Marcela Valenzuela, Thorsten Rheinländer, Ilknur Zer. Journal of Financial Markets. 2015

Disruption Costs, Learning by Doing, and Technology Adoption

Carlos Pérez, Carlos Ponce. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 2015

Profit Sharing and Market Structure

Joaquín Poblete. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 2015

Teoría de agencia (TA ): supuestos teóricos aplicables a la gestión universitaria

Francisco Ganga, Antonio Leal, María Ramos, Patricio Valdivieso. Revista Innovar. 2015

Financial Liberalization, Market Structure and Credit Penetration

Felipe Balmaceda, Ronald Fischer, Felipe Ramírez. Journal of Financial Intermediation. 2014

The Impact of a Marginal Subsidy on Gini Indices

Alejandro Corvalán. The Review of Income and Wealth. 2014

Olympic Games: No Legacy for Sports

Alejandro Corvalán. Economic Letters. 2014

Unemployment, Participation and Worker Flows over the Life Cycle

Alexander Janiak, Sekyu Choi, Benjamín Villena-Roldán. The Economic Journal. 2014

Ex Ante Agreements in Standard Setting and Patent-Pool Formation

Gastón Llanes, Joaquín Poblete. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. 2014

On the Size of Home Bias

Carlos Noton. Applied Economics. 2014

Non-revelation Mechanisms in Many-to-one Markets

Antonio Romero-Medina, Matteo Triossi. Games and Economic Behavior. 2014

Opening the Black Box of Social Capital Formation

Patricio ValdiviesoBenjamín Villena-Roldán. American Political Science Review. 2014

The African Financial Development and Financial Inclusion Gaps

Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Robert Cull, Jun Qian, Lemma Senbet, Patricio Valenzuela. Journal of African Economies. 2014

Hacia políticas públicas de segundo orden en América latina

Arturo Vallejos-Romero, Patricio Valdivieso. Andamios. 2014

Migrating Mafias

Paola Buonanno, Matteo Pazzona. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 2014

Thinly traded securities and risk management

Alejandro Bernales, Diether Beuermann, Gonzalo Cortazar. Estudios de Economía, 2014

Institución anfitriona