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Flavio Cunha on the Workshop in Policy Evaluation: “The group of speakers that the organizing committee put together was excellent”

28 December, 2023

On December 14 and 15, 2023, several researchers, including Flavio Cunha, professor of economics at Rice University, shared their studies, perspectives, experiences, and knowledge on the impact of public policies, especially on the labor market.

The Institute for Research on Market Imperfections and Public Policies (MIPP) organized the “Workshop on Policy Evaluation” on December 14 and 15, 2023 at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile.

For two days, the researchers who participated in this event shared their work focused on areas of public policies, macro and microeconomics, and topics related to the labor market, and the optimal investment of children and adolescents.

“We were able to see cases from other countries, take them to the Chilean cases, and make an evaluation. We also show the research that we do,” summarizes Pamela Jervis, a researcher at the MIPP Milenio Institute and Industrial Engineering academic at the University of Chile.

In addition, he added that “what we wanted to do here was not only present our papers, but also have discussions with the speakers and their research work, and with that also that each one will get a little more feedback regarding what they learned it may or may not improve.”

Benjamín Villena-Roldán, professor at the Andrés Bello University, a researcher at the MIPP Milenio Institute, and also an organizer of this event, expressed that “this academic conversation is very enriching, from the point of view of improving research and to better understand the problems economic with practical implications. I think it is a contribution to hold this type of seminar to exchange academic experiences.”

For his part, the international guest and main speaker of this activity, Flavio Cunha, professor of economics at Rice University, Houston, Texas, commented “I learned a lot about the reality of educational public policy in Chile. It is very important to discuss methodological tools, evaluate public policies, as well as see the results of public learning. The group of speakers that the organizing committee put together was excellent.

It should be noted that the evaluation of public policies is a fundamental process, since it measures the impact, efficiency and effectiveness of government actions. In addition, it facilitates accountability on the part of decision-makers and promotes transparency in public management.

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