“Dynamic Effects of Price Promotions: Field Evidence, Consumer Search, and Supply-Side Implications”, by Andrés Elberg, Pedro Gardete, Rosario Macera, and Carlos Noton, was chosen by Quantitative Marketing and Economics as the best-published paper in 2019. The award is named after Dick Wittink, professor of Management and Marketing from the Yale University School of Management, who made a significant contribution to marketing research and practice and passed away in June 2005.
The award was announced on October 10 by Peter Rossi, the professor who founded this magazine and who chaired the award committee. Rossi commented at length on the merits that made this paper win the award, such as the fact that the paper addresses a relevant practical question, uses a combination of experimental data and structural models, and generates useful recommendations, among others.
The research studies the dynamic effects of promotional pricing on consumer purchasing patterns through a large-scale field experiment that involved varying the prices of 170 products in 17 categories and 10 locations of a major supermarket.
“It was an ongoing team effort, of several years, during which we expanded the scope of research in order to have the largest impact possible. Now is the time for recognition, and we are very happy for the award”, says Noton, academic of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile. Together with Marketing Science, the Journal of Marketing Research and the marketing section of Management Science, Quantitative Marketing and Economics is one of the most relevant journals in the quantitative marketing field. It publishes research in the intersection of Marketing, Economics, and Statistics, and its focus is on applied problems that are of relevance to marketing, with an orientation towards quantitative methods.
Congratulations to our researcher Carlos Noton, for this important recognition!
Source: Department of Industrial Engineering.
MIPP Chile 2025