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Patricio Valenzuela gives lecture at the international seminar CERALE

26 July, 2018

On May 31, the researcher from the Millennium Institute MIPP, and academic of Industrial Engineering, University of Chile, participated in the CERALE congress 2018 (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche AmériqueLatine Europe), held at the School of Management of the Universidad Los Andes in Colombia.

The seminar, entitled “Innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable development: Rethinking the Europe-America relationship in a disruptive world” was held from May 30th to June 1st in Cartagena de Indias, and it brought together academics, entrepreneurs and institutions to discuss 11 topics, which included: the challenges of social and economic inclusion in times of peace; sustainable strategies in a world of disruption; public policies, innovation and sustainable development; and Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe and America, and innovation, entrepreneurship and SMEs, among others.

In the chapter on Innovation, entrepreneurship and SMEs, Patricio Valenzuela, presented his work: “Impact of Small Business Development Center Counselling Activities on Employment: Evidence from Chile”, a paper coauthored with our Academic Director Pablo González, which analyses the main findings of the evaluation of the Business Development Centers in Chile, with regards to employment generated from smaller sized companies.

“The results of the impact assessment suggest that the advice provided by the Business Development Centers in Chile has a positive, and economically important, effect in terms of job creation and employment formality,” notes Valenzuela.

This congress brought together more than 100 attendees from nearly 20 countries in Latin America and Europe.

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