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MIPP Scholarship for Master Research Projects, 2017, new deadline

14 July, 2017

The Millennium Institute for Market Imperfections and Public Policy, MIPP, promotes and disseminates avant-garde research on the response of public policy to various market imperfections. Researchers of the Institute develop tools to evaluate different policy designs and to make suggestions on improving the functioning and welfare of markets and organizations. Research areas of MIPP include: Industrial Organization, Finance, Macroeconomics and Political Economy.

In this context, MIPP invites master’s students to participate in the application process for the MIPP Master Thesis Scholarship. The candidate must show interest in topics related to the research conducted by the Institute, and also secure the supervision and support of at least one of the scholars of the Institute.


Application Requirements:

  • The candidate must be a student in the last year of the Master in Applied Economics (Universidad de Chile) or a similar Master’s program
  • Grade transcripts
  • Secure a Supervision Agreement from at least one of the researchers of MIPP, including researchers’ recommendation letters
  • Include a thesis proposal with the scholarship application: a research project proposal of three pages

Scholarship Benefits

Thesis support involves the following payments:

  • First payment for 500.000 CLP upon signing of the agreement with MIPP.
  • Second payment for 500.000 CLP when written thesis is delivered and approved.
  • Third payment of 200.000 CLP upon completion of the thesis defense.

Responsibilities of the beneficiary

The scholarship recipient must fulfill all the academic obligations implied, as follows:

  • Provide progress reports for supervising professor, confirming fulfillment of the contracted obligations, in accordance with the deadlines established in the contract’s calendar
  • Share all the information pertaining to the research project (documents, statistics, interviews, etc.), in order to be included in the MIPP repository
  • Demonstrate a genuine effort to publish in prestigious academic journals
  • Provide full acknowledgement of MIPP’s financial support in the footnotes of all the publications, reports and other work produced
  • Participate in all MIPP related activities and events, including CEA- MIPP Seminars
  • In case of unfulfillment or incompletion, a total refund of the assigned resources will be required. This measure can be taken at any time through the process, or in the end (after the evaluation of progress reports by the supervising professor).


  • To apply, the student must be enrolled in the Research Project I seminar of the Master of Applied Economics program at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Chile; or be in the process of presenting their research thesis in their corresponding program of studies.
  • This Scholarship can only be provided to students who, at the time of signing the agreement, DO NOT have the support of the Conicyt scholarship, or any other type of thesis funding.
  • Each payment is delivered upon receipt of Invoice for Professional Fees (Boleta de Honorarios).
  • Thesis project shall be finished in a period no longer than one year.


  • Call for Applications: June 02, 2017
  • Application End Date: June 30, 2017/ UPDATE: The application end date is now July 20, 2017
  • Results: July 25, 2017
  • Scholarship Start: upon signing the agreement

How to apply:

Application must be sent in a sealed envelope to the MIPP offices, located at Avenida República 701, office 34; or as a digital version to and .


For more information please download the application requirements here

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