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Call for Papers: Workshop on Matching and Market Design

27 September, 2016

The University of Chile and the Millennium Institute for Market Imperfections and Public Policy (MIPP) are organizing the 2016 version of the Workshop on Matching and Market Design. This event will take place on December 5-6, 2016 in Santiago, Chile.

This workshop aims at bringing together academics from all over the world, in order to discuss new work that deals with Matching Markets and Market Design. We invite you to submit papers on any topic within these areas.


Atila Abdulkadiroglu (Duke), David Cantala (ColMex), Umut Dur (NCSU), Lars Ehlers (Montreal), Thayer Morrill (NCSU) and Antonio Romero (UC3M) have already confirmed their participation.

If you would like to present a paper at this workshop, please send a copy in PDF format to the organizing committee, Matteo Triossi (U. de Chile) and Bertan Turhan (ITAM) no later than October 15th, 2016.


Authors of accepted papers will be notified by October 31st, 2016. Earlier notification is possible depending on individual needs.

Organizing Committee

Matteo Triossi (University of Chile)
Bertan Turhan (ITAM)


More information in Inomics.

Host Institution