From January 11th until 15th 2016, the Millennium Institute for Market Imperfections and Public Policies, MIPP, successfully carried out the first version of Summer School in Economics, program directed to students from different levels and universities, with interest in Economics, who actively participated on the courses of Market Design, lectured by Bertan Turhan from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México; Political Economy, by Alejandro Corvalán, researcher from Universidad Diego Portales and MIPP; and Empirical Methods, by Juan Esteban Carranza, chief of the research center of Banco Central de Colombia.
Among the participants, Summer School in Economics was attended by students from local universities such as Universidad de Chile, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, and Universidad Alberto Hurtado, as well as regional universities such as Universidad del Bío-Bío and Universidad de Los Lagos.
Guided by the needs to learn how to apply theory in current topics on Economics, the students affirmed that Summer School exceeded their expectations, with courses of a ‘very high level’, as Humberto Jiménez, Master’s student of Universidad de Chile, mentioned. He also commented that ‘initiatives like this are very supportive to research and the academy on Economics’.
Furthermore, students agreed that Summer School’s most relevant aspect was to show how each course has current applications that can be used ona daily basis, ‘even in the policies that regulate Chile’, Humberto Jiménez says, concerning the works about school choice that participants got to know through the course of Market Design.
Finally, regional students appreciated the opportunity that MIPP provided to show new contents on Economics to students of related careers: ‘As Industrial Civil Engineer, I wanted to learn about a cross curricular subject, as Economics, and I realized there were many branches’, says Milán Lagos, student from Universidad de Los Lagos in Puerto Montt. While Noel Berríos, Nicaraguan Master’s student from Universidad Alberto Hurtado, comments that even ‘when the time was limited, we had a general vision of every subject, with very well-prepared teachers, very good choices’.
With satisfaction among the participants, the first version of Summer School in Economics finished in the Department of Industrial Engineering of Universidad de Chile, Santiago.
MIPP Chile 2025