The semestral journal of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences publishes an article introducing MIPP and its research scope to its readers.
Beauchef Magazine, the journal of engineering and science at the University of Chile that constantly serves as a forum for the development and discussion of topics related to scientific, technological, economic, and social research, published an article on its eighth edition aiming to spread the work and academic research of the fifteen researchers at MIPP.
The article, written by the Director of MIPP, Juan Escobar, who holds a degree in Mathemical Engineering from University of Chile and a Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University, stresses how important research in economics is in present day Chile.
“In Chile, recent regulatory failures and subsequent court cases emphasize the need for a better understanding of public policy, in order to be able to correct market imperfections. Forthright collusion cases, such as the one between pharmacies and pharmaceutical laboratories that prevents price competition, or La Polar case – in which quasi-legal methods are exploited to allow charging customers usury interest rates – clearly demonstrate that the regulatory system currently in place does not fulfill its mandate”, the Director of MIPP states in the article.
The magazine has also published an article on one of the latest projects stemming from Proyecto Anillo in Social Science and Humanities – “Search models: implications for markets, social interactions, and public policy” – led by project director Alexandre Janiak, economist and researcher at MIPP.
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MIPP Chile 2025